Town of Fairfax NOP & Initial Study
Consultation has concluded

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Town of Fairfax NOP & Initial Study
According to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), any update to the General Plan requires some amount of environmental review. Additionally, it is required that state and local governments inform decision makers and the public about environmental impacts of proposed projects through an environmental impact review (EIR). An EIR provides high-level studies and potential impacts, measures to reduce impacts, and in-depth analysis of alternatives to the project.
Pursuant to State law, a draft EIR is subject to a 30-day NOP Review Period. This review period is to advise and solicit comments and suggestions regarding the preparation of the EIR, environmental issues to be addressed in the EIR, and any related issues, from interested parties and interested or affected members of the public.
Join our Scoping Meeting!
The meeting will be held on September 13, 2022 at 7:00 PM via Zoom.
Stay Informed, Participate
Your participation is essential. Help us create a plan that reflects Fairfax's core values as they relate to housing, in a manner that is consistent with State law.
- Learn more by exploring the Housing Element FAQ, the Public Meeting News Feed, and the Resource Library page.
Be sure to Sign-Up to join the conversation. (Learn more about why we ask you to register by exploring our registration FAQ.)